At this time, all psychiatric care provided by Dr. O’Brien is available via telemedicine videoconference sessions.

Comprehensive Adult Psychiatry

CONDITIONS TREATED - Anxiety and Panic Attacks

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Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Patients affected with this condition might suffer from different types of anxiety such as phobias, social anxiety or panic disorders.

Phobias are experienced as an extreme fear, which is often irrational. Some of the most popular phobias include phobias of heights, situations in which escape is difficult, or bugs like spiders. Often phobias are only a mild inconvenience, but they can be severe enough to make life difficult.

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Social Anxiety Disorder is fear experienced in social settings; for example, when talking to people and attending social gatherings. It can have physical manifestations such as a racing heart, cold sweats, shaking or trembling. People struggling with social anxiety might fear being judged or scrutinized by others and often avoid the stress of social situations. This can affect their professional life and relationships.

In panic disorder, a person will feel a sudden and overwhelming sense of panic. Panic attacks often happen unpredictably, even at night.

Anxiety and worries are natural parts of human nature. But when anxiety starts crippling a patient’s life and prevents them from engaging in everyday activities, it might be time to seek professional support.


Psychiatric Evaluation

The first step is a comprehensive assessment of mental health, medical, social, developmental and family history in a friendly, non-judgmental environment.

The purpose of Dr. O’Brien’s practice is to provide a thorough and individualized treatment plan according to each of his patient’s unique needs and goals.

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Dr O'Brien


Dr. Roderick O'Brien

Psychiatrists are medical doctors (MDs) who are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat different types of anxiety and panic attacks.

Dr. O’Brien understands the struggles of someone dealing with anxiety disorder, such as  feeling isolated or misunderstood. With over 10 years of clinical experience, he’s helped dozens of patients develop healthy ways to cope and return to a normal, fulfilling life.

Make the first step on the path to a healthy mind

Schedule an appointment with a professional today.



Comprehensive Adult Psychiatry


Book Your Appointment
Call: (888) 290-4354


80 Garden Center, Suite 324, Broomfield, Colorado 80020


Now accepting patients via telehealth